Biathlon training on Monday. Honour Band Concert on Thursday. Check the calendar for details.Calendar
15/10/2023 @ 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Vernon Airport
6300 Tronson Rd.

Event Details

Cadets will have a 45-minute flight with a qualified pilot at the Vernon Airport

Cadets will fly in groups of three, on the hour, every hour (except for lunch)

Cadets should arrive for their timing 15 minutes early

Dress is comfortable civilian clothing, dress for the temperature


9am –

10am – Romanyshyn, [open], [open]

11am – Dolinsky, Lafond, [open]

1pm – Naveen Kumar, Naveen Kumar, Appleton

2pm – Partel, White, [open]

3pm – Chatterton, Foglia, Chin Hong

Oct 12th, Capt Paas