CO's parade on Thursday. Winter Carnival Parade on Saturday! Check the calendar for details.Calendar

Year 5 Workshops for October 11-13, 2019

Level 5 Serials at Camp Vernon

1. IAW references, RCSUs are required to provide Professional Development Workshops for all cadets enrolled in Phase 5, Master Cadet, or Proficiency Level 5. The Year 5 Program can be conducted over one or more years and are designed to extend the cadet’s knowledge though the end of their involvement in the program. In order to complete PO 513, Year 5 cadets must complete four (4) workshop sessions.

2. To fulfill this requirement the RCSU (Pac) will host the first of two (2) Okanagan workshops for all three elements at Vernon Cadet Training Centre, Vernon BC on 11-13 October 2019.

3. Location. The workshops will be held at Vernon Cadet Training Centre located at 2950 15 Avenue, Vernon BC.

4. Accommodations. Cadets and staff shall use the training location as the overnight accommodations. OPI to ensure that cadets and staff come prepared with appropriate overnight sleeping accoutrements (i.e. sleeping bags, pillow, etc.).

5. Dress.

a. staff will be in DEU No 3B/C as dress of the day; and

b. C2 for Army / Air cadets and C3A for Sea cadets (parka may worn if desired).

6. See attached for more information including, travel, itinerary and required kit.

Joining Instructions

Joining Instructions in Word

Joining Instructions in PDF


Friday, 11 Oct 2019:
(1) 2000-2030 hrs – All Cadets arrive at training location,

Saturday, 12 Oct 2019:
(1) 0830-1200 hrs – First set of workshops delivered,
(2) 1200-1300 hrs – Lunch,
(3) 1300-1630 hrs – Second set of workshops delivered,
(4) 1630-1730 hrs – Dinner,
(5) 1730-2040 hrs – Third set of workshops delivered.

Sunday, 13 Oct 2019:
(1) 0830-1140 hrs – Fourth set of workshops delivered,

(2) 1140-1200 hrs – Feedback session,
(3) 1200-1300 hrs – Lunch,
(4) 1300 hrs – Local Cadets can depart, must be departed prior to 1330 hrs.