CO's parade on Thursday. Winter Carnival Parade on Saturday! Check the calendar for details.Calendar

Your Voice Heard

This is open to Cadets and Parents.

At the end of each training year, there is an Annual Ceremonial Review where Cadets may receive a reward based on various attributes and criteria.

Cadets, wouldn’t you want someone to share something nice about you?

If you know of a Cadet who has demonstrated conduct worth being noted to the Officer Staff this is your way of letting us know.

In addition, we would like to hear from you if you have suggestions, concerns, or something that could be helpful for the Staff to know.


You can remain anonymous or you can provide your contact information, Rank if applicable, and name as well as what you would like to inform us.

We would hope that this form would be used to promote positive information however if there is a concern we would like to hear about it too so we can address it.

[contact-form-7 id=”2455″ title=”YourVoice”]