Event: Vernon Winter Carnival
Location: Meet at W.L. Seaton parking lot – parade start location #40 (see map)
Support Officer(s) : Captain Paas, Lt Noorduyn
Timing : arrive 1130hrs parade march starts at 1200hrs, end time might change based on parade. Cadet will call if it ends earlier.
Dress : C1A
Wear layers under your uniform, such a long johns, t-shirts etc. to keep warm.
The weather forecast is cloudy, 5 degrees, with a light breeze. 30% chance of precipitation.
There will be hot chocolate at the end back at Seaton, parents come there to pick up.
Map (position #40)
Capt Paas, February 3rd, 2024
OPI – Capt. Schrauwen
Venue shared with 1705 BC Dragoons – it is their marksmanship training night
Effective speaking training will be held in the G20 classroom.
Dress: civilian clothing
Jan 7, 2024 – Capt. Paas
Event: Zones Marksmanship
Location: G20
Support Officer(s) : Capt Shewchuk & Lt Noorduyn
Marksmanship Team : To be confirmed
Dress : Civilian
Food : Lunch Provided
will be available at your own time to eat after 11:30
Timing : 0930 – 1600 (To be confirmed)
Capt Paas, December 26, 2023
Timings : 1800hrs to 1900hrs
Dress : Wear boots, and civilian clothing
Food: Brink your own snack and or water
Sept. 18, 2023 – Capt Paas
Timings : 1900hrs to 2100hrs
Dress : Appropriate civilian clothing
Food: Brink your own snack and or water
Sept. 18, 2023 – Capt Paas
Ground School Exam
[ if unable to attend, alternate date is Thursday, Feb. 15 during Regular Training ]
Bring a fully charged laptop or cell phone or tablet that can connect to Wifi.
You must be able to login to Cadet 365
Scheduled start time: 18:00 h
Pick-up ~ 20:00 h
Dress: Civilian clothing