Drill Display Day on Sunday. Band on Monday. Regular Training on Thursday. Check the calendar for details.Calendar
To Learn

To Learn

To Learn

The aims of the Royal Canadian Air Cadets are to develop in youth, between the ages of 12-18, the attributes of good citizenship and leadership, to promote physical fitness, and to stimulate the interest of youth in the air activities of the Canadian Forces...

To Serve

To Serve

The Royal Canadian Air Cadets is a program for Canadian youth. It is supported by sponsors in the community and Canada's Canadian Forces funded by the Department of National Defence. There are about 450 Air Cadet squadrons in every province and territory in Canada. The two other cadet programs for youth in Canada are the Royal Canadian Sea Cadets and the Royal Canadian Army Cadets. People between the ages of 12 and 18 can join this program for free, and they are led by the officers of the Canadian Forces Cadet Instructor Cadre

To Advance

To Advance

Definition Of LeadershipLeadership is the art of influencing human behavior in order to accomplish a mission in the manner desired by the leader.